Listen to the beat of your heart

Today’s post is a poem that has come to me.


The trees dancing in the wind
Barren branches swaying to their own beat
The beat of the earth
Pulsing, showing us she is alive
Snow covering the ground
The last nap before the spring
Rest, take it easy before we renew the cycle once more
The new moon observing everything from her dark corner
Sending love, asking everyone to retreat

Listen, listen to the beat
A slow beat, soothing and comforting
A steady beat, drumming like the heart
Be one, be one with our mother
And listen for once

No need to rush, allow yourself to be
To be still even though it seems crazy out there
The truth is out there, it is inside you, no need to go anywhere
You have all you need, no need to look elsewhere but deep inside you

Listen to the mother
Nourish, take care of yourself, of her
She takes care of us
We are all one, aspects of the whole
We are connected
Honor all of us, no matter what shape or colour
Unity, community

Together we create something beautiful
Something worthwhile
Something magnificent
We are love, we are beautiful,
All of us 
Listen to the truth in your heart
The music of the earth is inside you.




originally posted on 17th March 2018


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