The magical word: Abracadabra!

We all have heard the magic word: Abracadabra.

But do you actually know what it means?
I had no idea until recently when I coincidentally listened to the TedTalk of Andrew Bennett. We have most likely heard it millions of times while growing up, mostly in the world of magicians, variety acts and illusions. To me it always sounded like a fun word some genius invented to create a mystical atmosphere, a sort of ritual in the magical sense.

Well, little did I know that the expression is an Aramaic word, an ancient language that Jesus most likely spoke!

It means: 
What I speak is what I create.


We create our own world. And that in every meaning of the word. We do the things we love, surround ourselves with loving and supportive people who respect us and live a happy and balanced life… Or maybe not quite. Well, we chose the life we have.

Now you might think: “But wait a minute, I didn´t have a choice!” It might be true for certain areas of your upbringing as when being little children there could have been some limitations we had to face. Nevertheless you always have a choice – to remain where you are and maybe suffer the consequences or change something about it. It can be a hard truth, I know.

You have the power!!!

To change our life for the better we can start by observing the way we think and talk.
If we only focus on what is bad in our life we just create more of it. We just attract those kind of things and often we possibly accept them as given.
On the other hand, if we try to be positive and have a can-do approach, every day living seems to be much more at ease. Sure, life is a roller coaster, we all have our ups and downs, no one is free of that. It is about creating awareness – of ourselves, of others, of things happening around us. How do you want to be treated? Might be a good starting point to treat others the same way.

You might have heard of the Law of Attraction. To me, Abracadabra flows along the same lines. In case you hear about the law for the first time I attach a link at the bottom of the page so you can have a look.There is a nice little movie and it is easy to digest explaining everything about it.

When we use our words and thoughts more consciously we transform your life.
How do you treat yourself? Do you have a lot of negative self-talk? And by that I mean telling yourself you are not good enough, not smart enough, not pretty enough etc… You limit yourself to that narrow view. Time for some expansion!

What would your ideal life look like? Speak for yourself…. 😉

Link to the Tedtalk of Andrew Bennett:

Link to the movie : The Secret Law of Attraction



Originally posted on 7th March 2018

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